How To Share Your Precious Memories With Amazon Photos

Uncategorized • November 7, 2023

Amazon Photos is my preferred cloud storage service for photos and videos, it’s the cloud service that I use and teach in my signature digital photo organization course The Photo Project. It also has some great photo sharing features for you to take advantage of. Read on to learn all the different ways to share photos with Amazon Photos.

Why Amazon Photos Is My Preferred Cloud Storage Platform

Well for starters, Amazon Prime members get free unlimited photo storage as part of their subscription. Why pay more for storage when you already pay for Prime. Secondly, and most importantly Amazon Photos allows you to easily back up your photos to your hard drive. If you’ve ever tried to back-up Google Photos or iCloud to your hard drive then you’ve likely found out the hard way there’s no straightforward way to do this. That’s because Google and iCloud specialize in backing up your phone only.

It’s simply not enough to have your photos backed up in just Google Photos or iCloud. You need to protect your precious memories!

So if you haven’t done so already you’ll need to upload your photos and videos to Amazon Photos – you can easily upload them and/or backup from your computer and mobile device to your Amazon Photos account. I walk you through exactly how to do this in The Photo Project.

3 Ways To Share Memories in Amazon Photos

Once you have your photos accessible within Amazon Photos, here are my top tips for sharing memories with Amazon Photos:

  • Create a Family Vault. 🏡 A Family Vault is a great way to share photos with your immediate family. Each member of the Family Vault gets their own Amazon Photos account, so they can access the photos and videos that you share. To create a Family Vault, go to the Amazon Photos website and click on the “Family Vault” tab.
  • Create a photo-sharing group. 👥 If you want to share photos with a wider group of people, you can create a photo-sharing group. Photo-sharing groups can be based on interests, events, or relationships. To create a photo-sharing group, go to the Amazon Photos website and click on the “Share” tab.
  • Share individual photos or albums. 🔗 You can also share individual photos or albums with others. To share a photo or album, right-click on it and select “Share.” You can then choose to share the photo or album via email, text message, or social media.

✨ Bonus Tip: You can add captions to photos when you share them. This is a great way to add context to the photos and help people remember the memories they’re associated with.

That’s it! It’s really easy to share photos with Amazon Photos!

How To Get Your Photos Organized In The First Place

If you’re reading this thinking, “yeah great Megan but I don’t even know how to begin sharing the hot mess of disorganization that is my photo library” then don’t worry, I got you. If you have tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of disorganized photos stored all over the place – you are not alone.

The Photo Project was designed with YOU in mind, yes YOU. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the number of photos you have and no idea how to even begin organizing them then this course is for you. I’ll walk you through my signature process, guiding you each step of the way and simplifying the tech required for each step. In this program I show you how to centralize, de-duplicate, organize and protect your cherished memories while making them easily accessible.

➡️ Learn more about The Photo Project here.

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