Family Photo Book: 5 Things To Add!

Uncategorized • November 7, 2023

Have you put together your family photo book yet? If not, don’t feel bad, I just started working on mine this week! Even though I have it down to a science, I still struggle to find the time to whip it out! While catching up on organizing my images from 2021, I started to think about how to make my 2022 book even better! As my kids are getting older (and as Henry is getting more chatty), I started to feel sentimental about capturing the magic of this age. After a short brainstorming session with myself (haha), I came up with some fun things to add to next year’s edition of the family photo book and figured it might be useful to you as well! 

A letter from Mom and/or Dad

I usually try to add a small paragraph in the front of the book, but I thought it could be fun to add a letter from me about how I feel about them at this age or things that are special to me. One, so I can remember and two, so they have it also. Getting dad involved is incredible too!  

Birthday Interview

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Compile a list of 10 or so questions to ask them on their birthday and print the question/answers in the book. I found some fun questionnaires on Pinterest if you need ideas for what to ask. Seeing how their answers change over the years will be fun, and Henry is finally at an age where he would find it entertaining. Here is a link to what I found on Pintrest!

Pictures of Art Projects, Awards, or Schoolwork

I have always intended to do this, but since Stella started school, it seems appropriate. She comes home with TONS of papers and projects, but I always pick out my favorites and put them in her memory box, so snapping a picture when I do that seems pretty easy!   

Pictures from Dad’s Phone

Well, Duh! I was looking through some pictures on my husband’s phone after a recent vacation we took, and I didn’t realize how many photos he takes of our life too. He had some of the best pictures of the kids, and I felt terrible that I didn’t discover this sooner! I guess my ego got in the way, and I thought I was the only photographer in the family! So, maybe you already do this one, but I definitely will be adding these to the mix! 

Pictures of the Kids Rooms or Favorite Toys/Activities

When my siblings and I tell stories about when we were growing up, it always leads back to a Barbie Car incident or farming the shag carpet. I know that my kids already have an attachment to certain toys or activities. Henry, for example, is obsessed with all things PawPatrol, so documenting the obsession is necessary. And Miss Stella is constantly creating art projects! They do these activities so often that I overlook the significance of it!     

So there you have my ideas. I hope one or two of them are helpful! Let me know in the comments what you think, or you can always shoot me an email! And if you missed the blog on how I organize my photos, here is the link to check it out! ⤵️

How I Save And Organize My Family Photos

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